If you borrow money to buy a car, the loan contract specifies how much you must pay back every month and the number of months required to satisfy your obligation. 如果你贷款去买一辆汽车,那么借贷合同上就规定了你每月要偿还多少钱,规定了你偿清债务所需的月份数字。
Young Gay comes all this way to beg for money, and you, who are so grand and great, having got it, are going to let him have it, as a great favour and obligation. ' 年轻人盖伊跑这一趟路来是为了恳求借钱,而你是这么高贵、伟大、有钱,你将作为一笔很大的恩惠与人情,让他得到它。
To commit ( money, for example) in order to fulfill an obligation. The person performing such act is liable. 承担(如,钱)以履行义务由行为人承担责任。
Another complication is that under UK law, beneficiaries who receive money to care for an animal face only a moral obligation to fulfil their duty, not a legal one. 另一个复杂因素是,根据英国法律,拿到钱照料动物的受益人只面临道义上履行职责的义务,而不是法律义务。
For him, the humiliation of not having enough money to buy me a beer outweighed his obligation to stay and sing me a birthday tune. 对他而言,无法有足够的钱为我购买一杯啤酒中的羞辱大于他愿意留下来为我唱一只生日歌曲。
Fourth, money as a standard of deferred payments performs the function of establishing a future value or obligation in definitive terms. 第四,货币用来表现商品的未来价值,或明确债权债务关系,执行支付手段职能。
Where the effect of the time value of money is material, the amount of a provision is the present value of the expenditures expected to be required to settle the obligation. 如果货币时间价值的影响重大,准备金的数额应是结算义务预期所要求开支的现值。
Although you will receive more money this year, you will also receive much more obligation and responsibility. 虽然你将会拥有很多钱,但是你也需要履行更多的义务和责任。
In a divorce or separation, the money paid by one spouse to the other in order to fulfill the financial obligation that comes with marriage. 在离婚或者分居的情况下,由配偶的一方支付给另一方的用于履行由婚姻引起的经济义务的金钱。
At the same time, in order to inspect and combat money laundering, the international community generally requires financial institutions to undertake the compulsive obligation of information disclosure. 与此同时,为了预防和打击洗钱犯罪,国际社会普遍要求金融机构承担强制的信息披露义务。
The continued existence of purchase money security interest means that whether the status of purchase money security interest is effected by the change of collateral and obligation and cross guarantee. 购买价金担保权的存续问题是指在担保物、所担保之债务发生变化或发生交义担保时,对债权人的购买价金身份是否产生影响的问题。